


Add Your Local URLs to Your Hosts FileThe next step is to direct your local URLs to your localhost by adding them to your hosts file, which is located here on a Mac: sudo nano /etc/hosts Go ahead and edit it using your favorite text editor and add all your local development sites like this: first.local second.local third.local Note, I decided to switch to the “.local” top-level domain for my local dev…

Follow these steps Open your terminal and run this bellow command sudo nano ~/.bash_profile export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.4.21/bin:$PATH Save this file Run below command source ~/.bash_profile Now check your PHP version in terminal php –version sudo nano ~/.zshrc Then change version export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.3.29/bin:$PATH source ~/.zshrc

Add Your Local URLs to Your Hosts FileThe next step is to direct your local URLs to your localhost by adding them to your hosts file, which is located here on a Mac: sudo nano /etc/hosts Go ahead and edit it using your favorite text editor and add all your local development sites like this: first.local second.local third.local Note, I decided to switch to the “.local” top-level domain for my local dev…

Here we going setup Magento 2.4.1 On mac operating system. you can follow step by step. Web services Requirements Apache 2.2 or 2.4 Nginx 1.x Database Engine Requirements MySQL 5.7 MariaDB 5.6, 5.7 PHP Requirements >= 7.4 Elasticsearch >= 7.7 Composer >= 1.x Step 1: Install MAMP 1. Here we need to download MAMP in our machine just click on the link for download MAMP in our machine 2. Once you successfully downloaded MAMP…

You need to open php.ini file and need to change the memory size sudo code /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php[your_php_version]/conf/php.ini OR sudo nano /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php[your_php_version]/conf/php.ini search ‘memory_limit’ and increase the number: memory_limit = 1028M