
Git Command

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Step 1: Download git from

Step 2: check git version in your machine

git --version

Step 3: Set global user

git config --global ""
check user 
git config --global

git config --global ""

check email set in global
git config --global

Now check list of global 
git config --global --list

Step 4: Create a project in your system

Step 5: Open terminal in mac or open cmd or git bash
Now, go to inside for folder which folder you want to upload on gitlab.
cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/project_name

  Now init git
  git init

  after, hit command you can check hidden file within folder to hit command 
  ls -a

  Now, just put inside the folder any file example 
  touch index.html

  Check git status
  git git status
  git add .
  git commit -m "index.html file"
  git remote add origin [email protected]:username/project_name.git
  git push origin -u master

Step 6: Now check gitlab file is there or not.

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