What is AWS? and the reason for using AWS.

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What is AWS?          

Amazon web service is a platform that offers flexible, reliable, scalable, easy-to-use and cost-effective cloud computing solutions. building blocks can be used to create and deploy any type of application in the cloud.

Reason for selecting AWS:

  1. Location: It now operates 44 availability zones within 16 geographic regions around the world. There are also 14 more availability zones in the works.
  2. Automated Multi-Region Backups: AWS offers various backup methods including AMIs and EBS snapshots. And the decentralized nature and global reach of AWS makes it easy and affordable to store critical information in multiple geographic locations.
  3. Consistency & Reliability: an extremely useful platform for backups and disaster recovery.
  4. Flexibility & Scalability: easily scaled up or down to quickly meet the needs of the growing business.
  5. Automated Multi-Region Backups: AWS offers various backup methods including AMIs and EBS snapshots. And the decentralized nature and global reach of AWS makes it easy and affordable to store critical information in multiple geographic locations.
  6. Consistency & Reliability: an extremely useful platform for backups and disaster recovery.
  7. Flexibility & Scalability: easily scaled up or down to quickly meet the needs of the growing business
  8. Security: For startup or enterprise level, AWS Offers the same level of world-class security. AWS maintains data highest security standards. which is best of everyone who is using the AWS server.

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